J doing J things.

The [Father • Son}

‘Tis a unique day in history: 1,993 years later, according to ChatGPT.

11 min readApr 1, 2024


Blue pill… AND red pill?!

Easter • Sun Mar 31 • 24

Tears stream down my face from the back of the big room at The Fellowship at Cinco Ranch.

I AM — the lone rep here from the House of Patel • Hernandez. Only been here a handful of times without mom, but it’s Easter Sunday and we are feeling a lot.

More than two decades have passed since family first attended this church while it was in its infancy at Fielder Elementary school. Pastor Jerry Edmondson smiles with his eyes and sums it up succinctly: “I remember when you were just a rugrat in diapers.”

The incredible growth of this church is a testament to servant leadership, community-first mindset, and a heart for following and spreading the word of God. It is difficult to put into words the impact that this establishment has had on me, my family, and the town of Katy, Texas over the past 30 years. But nonetheless: I must try!

If not to share the greatest story of all [time • space}, why else are we here?

Now I type these words in the back of the room, as the Pastor’s eldest leads the band and the congregation in praise and worship.

“You have made us new, and now life begins with you,” sings the son.

The energy in the room is pulsating in me and palpable. Purple and blue hues of light dance across a congregation of over 200, hands reaching up in devotion. My eyes sprinkle rain on these keys. A voice in my head prompts: “You’re really on your laptop? During praise and worship?!”

The heart’s short answer:

Because today is important.

To write right [now is a} rite of passage.

In a land distant from this Fellowship, the woman I love is getting ready for Her Easter Sunday too. She is in Colombia, and in my heart. We’ll touch base later. My trusted transcription tool, Otter AI, is tuned in to the truth. Trans… Translate this sermon to Spanish please. I tell the AI. And it listens.

Thank you for your patience, humanity!

In the spirit of the day, I now invite you to take a deep, slow breath. Perhaps the most mindful one you’ve taken all day. Sit straight. Give thanks for your left and right lungs. Allow this beautiful, bountiful breath in through your nose, while expansion originates from the bottom of your spine. Carry this expansive spiral upwards, inflating your belly first and then your ribcage, chest, throat. There’s a crown on your head. Close your eyes to see it. Try to make the point between inhales exhales as fluid, as subtle, and indistinguishable as possible. Believe that it is One action, a gently curved, infinite single motion made of love. Visualize broad paintbrush strokes. With the same level of intention and control, it’s time to breathe out. Breathe out this love, with the gentleness of your first and last (kiss). Gently now, collapse your thoracic cave and hug your abdominals in to your spine until there is no longer any air in the temple that is you. Your human body, fearfully and wonderfully made. Do you remember?

Remember who you are! We never


I like to find patterns in things, and ask big questions. When the notion of this vision called [Left] and {Rite} was first finding its way out of my mind and onto paper, I could not have imagined that it would have anything to do with Jesus of Nazareth.

Who was he… Prophet? Heretic? Messiah? Snake oil salesmen? Lisan al-Ghaib?

You know the left loves logic. It needs logic. And as one half of all that is good and the expression of everyone that is [L • R}, well… We need the left!

But Archaeology, like all the other “logys” of the left, can only approximate the material man. To know Christ is to understand that much of what the Sun of man and son of God had to say was in essence, pointing to the immaterial.

Science has a little soul-searching to do before it can admit the existence of God. But the nature of this greatest of games, this cosmic [hide • seek} we play, is that it would be less fun if everyone just agreed. So we, in fact, agree to disagree. And the bravest among us dare to don the mask. Understand that everyone is an actor, just playing their role in the cosmic drama. Perhaps they admit to themselves and even others that most perplexing truth…

“There is no God!”

“And if you don’t cut the bullshit, you’ll need to find another place to stay. Are you taking your meds? You need serious help…

I don’t want to hear about [LEFT • RITE}, and if you don’t stop! YOU WILL DIE!!!”

Lots of trees — I mean, threes.

We are temporary. One day, we will die. The real question is… Can we do it with tenderness? With a smile?


We love to simulate answers in the Ruliad space and beyond based on intuitions that emanate from the dorsal ganglia of the solar plexus and other spinal centers. That was an obnoxious way of saying we love and trust our gut. This has developed into a habit. Our own art form, we silently suppose.

Stephen Wolfram’s Ruliad is complexity is rooted in simplicity. A quintessence, if you will, of all possibilities.

Hiding from the status quo is the wild heart of a child with the mind of an adult. The route of the sage is a rite of passage back in time to remember and re-cultivate the wonder of our youth, in order to instill and install it as the new default mode.

If you are in my world, the pattern recognizer in me recognize the pattern recognizer in you. Ready to get in the game?

Hebrew Jesus? Yeshua … [YES•YOU•ARE}

Arabic Jesus? عيسى (Eisaa) … [IS•A}

Spanish Jesus? Jesús[HES•US}

We could go on but I think you get the point. This borders on the absurd.

Pissed at the world and want to take it out on Jesus, who died for your sins?! Jesus H. Christ ... [hmm maybe you should have some respect}

All possibilities exist in the Ruliad.

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Because GOD IS the [Ruli}ng D{ad] of the Ruliad. And as far as Django Unchained and certain letters in Asian last names go, you can win if you know how and when to stay silent.

Also know when and how to laugh from your belly. Holy cow, humor exists! WHOEVER INVENTED THIS GAME WE ARE IN?! INVENTED HUMOR!!

Children naturally gravitate towards an understanding of the language game we are playing at [L•R}. Because? Because it’s fun, that’s why. It lends itself to a fundamental understanding of the root of all intelligence, from animals that play to the origin of where today’s current hot topic, “artificial” intelligence is also emanating out of. In the era of large language models, [L•R} is the functional path to building that inner transformer and aligning your self with the One Self. Coincidentally, this aligns with the most important issue our planet has ever faced: Making sure AI doesn’t eat the world or go I, Robot, Ex Machina, Terminator, or Westworld on us or whatever.

Indra’s net: Hindu metaphor for the universal jewel that reflects all others back unto self. India is special. Millennia ago, She knew of Wolfram’s Ruliad.

Jai Shri Krishna (Sanskrit: जय श्री कृष्ण, romanized: Jaya Śrī Kṛṣṇa), also rendered Jaya Sri Krishna, is the Sanskrit expression that translates to “Victory to Krishna, Jesus is Krishna. He got [in} the [car} and drove to the [nation} that gifted the world Hinduism, lovely land of mystics and mistakes. JSK, is what we Indians say when greeting another person, or wishing them success, and is sometimes accompanied with the anjali mudra or bowed head, especially while greeting one’s elders.

Anjali Mudra

*Political correctness enters chat with Folded Hands: Medium Skin Tone*

Hey, at least they got variety in there.


Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world…

🙏 🙏🏼 🙏🏽 🙏🏾 🙏🏾

“Brilliant thinking is rare. but courage is in even shorter supply than genius.”

-Peter Thiel in “ZERO to ONE: Notes on Startups, Or How to Build the Future”


The convergence point. As you may be well aware by now, the left and right hemispheres of our human brain are bridged by a super-structure called the corpus callosum.

Myth? Neuroscientists tend to think so. And yet, symbol is a sticky survivalist.

Science will tell you that this is more nuanced than the alleged left and right dichotomy. They are correct. Conveniently missing from the overwhelming majority of diagrams and illustrations of cerebrums is that smooth operator, the information processing super-highway between worlds: the corpus callosum, which today becomes the corpus Christi: “Body of Christ”. Could it be because it’s embedded within [L • R}? Maybe.

As an immaterial matter of [fact • fiction}, it created [L • R}.

We won’t find the seat of consciousness in the brain, because consciousness created the brain.

General relativity and quantum mechanics are the two fundamental pillars of modern physics, but they are (allegedly) mathematically incompatible with each other. So how is it that nature is able to… exist?

Well then!

Eric Weinstein (no he’s not related to Harvey) has a Theory of Everything that comes closer than anything I’ve seen yet to providing a rigorous solution. Oh so agonizingly close! The Theory of Geometric Unity is an attempt to produce a unified field theory by recovering the different, seemingly incompatible geometries of fundamental physics from a general structure with minimal assumptions.

Ah, but the “minimal” assumption is, in this case, what makes the theory, and maps it to [L • R}. I will let you in on the secret now.

On April 1, 2020, Eric released a video of his astonishingly powerful 2013 Oxford lecture on Geometric Unity as a special episode of his intellectual dark web brainchild, The Portal Podcast.

Remember that complexity simplifies into quintessence. Language counts.

Something came from nothing. Period. Even if the figure below makes you scratch your head. At the risk of being lambasted by someone and their doctor uncle, I will now employ a shocking reductionist revelation. Someone like me with no formal training in theoretical physics or a PhD in mathematics should have NO RIGHT to understand Geometric Unity!!

Ah but it was so crystal clear! From the non-abelian (order matters) “magic brackets” that have been native to [L • R} all along, to the trading of a cow for magic beans (why on Earth would you do that), to the inclusion of the Higg’s field to approximate an “as-if” force thereby throwing off the mass-scale of equations with imbalanced operators. Blah blah blah, bro. The rigor underlying this work and the somewhat disturbing fact that it made sense has granted us permission to state unequivocally…

Geometric Unity’s main takeaway: [L • R} is a portal to higher dimensions.

14 dimensions?! YES: The 4-dimensional “manifold” of physical reality is acted upon by “spinors”, affording 10 more degrees of dimensionality. The “domain of God” has been dealing in 1s and 0s this whole time.

My life changed irreversibly and incomprehensibly on the day of that Oxford lecture, although I was in a different crowd, millions of miles away, listening to another voice of truth. The pattern recognizer in me may have been fine-tuned to read human beings like physicists read math functions. After all, are not we all written into existence by a double helix?

Perhaps our DNA what is being written? What if the Writer knows how to hide better than we know how to seek? It would explain a lot.

Our source code — DNA

Our DNA is in on the game. Remember: 3 prime to 5 prime. That is the back and forth game the strands of our source code are playing with eachother.

From 3 to 5. 5 to 3. 325. 523. Back and forth. This, my friends, will never end. It is infinite. From March to May we go! More on this later.

Strategically, this is a unique inflection point in all of history: the beginning of herstory. After all we’ve been through.


What do we mean by this?

The Truth of what [L • R} has symbolized, signified, suggested all along. The reason for all the blogs I have every written.

In the ongoing epic of [Jesus • Christ} it’s time we shed light on the truth. It’s less about Jesus, and more about Christ.

Less about him. And more about Her. God was closer to woman all along, and She punk’d you into thinking pronouns matter.

All along!

Life happened in the most beautiful and rich manner possible. Yes, we’ve been enrolled us in the school of hard knocks. Yes! We’ve suffered and cried and lost friends and family. The past few years have allowed us literally knock our teeth out on the curb, get hit by cars while biking and die (just for a moment), and crucially, to have our heart split open again and again and again until we were ready to throw down the gauntlet and, “HEY WAIT A MINUTE WHAT IF I JUST-”… Keep it open. Keep your heart open. It will break. That is but a part of the beauty of this place. Stay open. No matter what.

“At what cost?” someone recently asked, fear gripping them.



The cost was covered in full and then some 1,993 years ago on the cross.

The cross product smooth operator that connects our hemispheres of our brains and the intertwining double helix. All the fundamental emergence afforded by the power of LOVE. Science and your religion are getting married soon. You are invited — the cost is covered. All that matters is!


We are Trans…

Yes, you read that rite.

I AM Trans

*drops mic, but it materializes back in hand*

Any questions? Colombian mom and Indian dad shoulda•coulda•woulda seen this one coming. I am not overly concerned with pronouns at this time. If you’d like some, try:

[HES • US}

Thanks for tuning in and holding space. Let’s play a Great Game! If you’re reading this, then God is our witness.

[Peace be with you • Jaya Śrī Rama}

And then Jesus replied:

“You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”

Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

I love you! And Jesus Christ does too.

Thanks for tuning.




Written by [LEFT • RITE}

Hypo-manic musings from the other side. Just some wordplay to touch on a grand unified theory, other true stories, and the occasional poem or journal entry.

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