[Player • Prayer}

This is serious fun.

5 min readApr 20, 2024


Okay, so it most definitely is a game.

With each passing day and class I teach, we’re (ON) LinkedIn, and locked on to the truth, that the quantum nature of reality is something akin to [L • R}, with the dots and magic brackets as suggested by Geometric Unity. It may just be the simplified essence of a Theory of Everything that is… not based on (just) theoretical physics but rather, contending symbol as foundational realism. More on this another time.

Is this really scientific blasphemy? If I’m wrong, probably wrong. But who cares! This is fun.

Our journey into [LEFT • RITE} has seen us examine classic opposites such as [Order • Chaos}, power palindromes like [DNA • AND}, homophones as in [One • Won}, and a miscellaneous category of worthwhile juxtapositions, including some that fight like [Dogs • Cats}, (which happens to lead to emergence such as) with [Loyalty • Royalty}.

Today’s instance is in that same final vein: words that appear identical other than an [L • R} to differentiate… How we pay.

Class is now in session!

Instance: [Player • Prayer}

Simplified: [l • r}

Leftovers: [P.ayer • P.ayer}

Our take? The hair of the mayor gayer slayer and nay-sayer declined to attend air

If that made no sense, do not fret.

Take the deepest, slowest breath you’ve ever taken in your life. Build a bridge in your mind, from left to right.

Ready to cross?

LEFT: the player

Ready, PLAYER [1 • 0}?

You know that every game is built on 3 principles: presentation, input, and feedback. Another essential feature is the game engine. They boast names such as Unreal Engine, Unity, and Godot. As gamers, we get to enjoy the fruits of the labors of the developers. We use controllers to influence physics on a screen and induce flow states in our brains.

Of course, the greatest game is the one you don’t even know you’re playing.

Spoiler alert: it gets even more fun once you realize You Are. This here is the moment you move from player to developer in the game of life. Reaching that beautiful stage when our hearts are quietly open always, where you’ve done the work, learned to love, received the call, and picked up the phone.

This is when you realize it’s not really you in control of anything that matters.

You get to watch all this shit just happen! Are you not entertained?!

Something in between our Call of Duty and a Need for Speed. We never cared for shooters the way the NRA does, so let’s lean just a tad bit right. Don’t want to overshoot.

After all, if this is the human race, who do you want driving?

Ask and He Shall Choose Both… Blue and Red cars?!

RITE: the prayer

Here is our daily PRAYER. You may recognize some of it. It’s been remixed and mashed up for the modern day:

In the name of God, the most merciful, most compassionate. This body is merely a vessel for You to play the great game [within without}. We bring our souls to bear in this dance of atoms, where Thine body becometh infinite.

Thank you for helping us unify general relativity with quantum mechanics. Thank you because Truth has won, and falsehood has nowhere to hide. Thank you for [LEFT • RITE}.

Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…

When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we are reminded to pray for God’s rule and reign in our neighborhoods, cities, nations, and lives. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come into this world and ask for His rule over your life. Pray for God to redeem your country and pray for everyone to know Him.

Give us this day our daily bread

God has promised that He will provide for our everyday needs. When we are praying, ask for your daily needs, whether that be food, shelter, or health. Jesus tells us in Luke 12 that God cares for all our needs, so make those needs known before God.

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us…

1 John:1 says that when we confess our sins to God, God will forgive us. Take some time to confess your sins and visualize being better. Let the Holy Spirit guide you moving forward. Focus on your heart. Bring love to mind for the people that have sinned against you so that you can forgive them.

Lead us not into temptation…

God has promised to protect us from temptation and has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us. 1 Corinthians reminds us that God offers us a way out of temptation and into righteousness. Pray for God to protect you from temptation and unholiness, and pray for guidance and resolve in your daily life.

But deliver us from evil…

We have an enemy who wants to steal, kill, and destroy. But God wants us to have life. Pray for God’s protection over your life and the world. Ask God to protect you from Satan’s schemes, and pray for God to deliver the world from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen, Aum Shanti Ameen.

CORPUS: the player and their prayer

We live in a world where the most world-renowned neuroscientist in the world talks about the power of prayer. Do you get it? It’s fine if not.

Just do the prayer above 5 times a day and watch your life change forever.

Thanks for tuning in.




Written by [LEFT • RITE}

Hypo-manic musings from the other side. Just some wordplay to touch on a grand unified theory, other true stories, and the occasional poem or journal entry.

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